Pros & Cons of Wooden Play Equipment The response relates to a number of key principles supported by evidence, industry-specific terminologies, examples as well as facts.
Aesthetic Appeal- The Defining Principle Wood playsets have natural look and blend well with the outdoors A survey conducted by the National Association of Landscape Professionals revealed that 70% homeowners want natural material in their yards which means wooden backyards are living up to demand.
Another factor that is critical to consider is the durability. Insect and rot-resistant wood, such as cedar or redwood are good options for playground construction. Well-kept wooden buildings last more than 15 years – research studies. The fact is, Play Systems Inc. for example, states that their wooden playgrounds guarantee up to 20 years no work needed concerning them.
Eco Friendly is a special category for wooden playgrounds. Wood is a resource that can be renewed unlike plastic. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certifies timber from well-managed forests – expect green playground equipment. By replacing traditional wood-based products with FSC-certified ones, we can reduce the carbon footprint- a major advantage for our environment.
Playground equipment must ensure safety above all else. Wooden constructions provide a secure and resilient play area that prevents accidents. Wooden playground equipment: Equipment made from wood must be smooth, have rounded edges, and is often sealed with non-toxic finishes that meet rigorous safety standards set by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Adventure Playground Systems also notes the importance of completely smooth surfaces and joints mounted from both accounts to reduce hazards.
Its one of the best benefit isThat allows you customizable. Play structures: Playground equipment made in defferent wood types, specific colors and designs reflecting the vintage of facility. Earthscape Play, for instance, constructs timber playgrounds which they will adapt to the design and scale of a particular area.
Efficiency is a huge issue for many communities and schools It is true that the start can be expensive compared to other materials, however wooden playground equipment provides long-term savings as well. The lifecycle cost of wooden structures is smaller when compared to plastic ones because they need particularly less replacement due to ageing. Our partners over at the Playground Builders Association reviewed 10 years worth of studies showing a raw wooden playground can be up to 20% less expensive than built environments when it comes to total cost of ownership.
Wooden playgrounds are beneficial for the health and cannot be neglected. Longwearing wooden materials do not release any types of fumes that can endanger your children. Lighter wood tones and other natural elements reduce stress Light woods can help you breathe easier by reducing the hormone cortisol which results from heightened tension or unmitigated pressure; a study in University of British Columbia found that when exposed to natural materials, like real wood shown here on this wall with its many windows allowing light into (and out) providing fresh air for all inhabitants present at home there!
Wooden playgrounds can create partnerships and pride via their community involvement. For example, KaBOOM! is a prominent organization that builds playgrounds in low-income or under-resourced neighborhoods. The organization, perhaps best known for its myriad (17k) work with community volunteers to create wooden playgrounds, underscores the social good of such projects.
To find the best wood playground equipment, visit wood playgroud equipment.